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upcoming meeting?

Please send your meeting ideas: SBE53

What did you think about our last meeting?

Send us your ideas: SBE53

Below is a list of upcoming meetings and topics:

SBE53 - May 14 - 6:30 PM - New ZOOM Info Below

"Intelligent and Interactive Multiviewers and How AI has Infiltrated Compliance Logging"

Our next meeting, which has been rescheduled, will be at the regular time 6:30 PM.

This month’s SBE Meeting will feature an Actus Digital presentation showing some new features that have made their way into Multiviewers, including enhanced interactivity with things like penalty-box rewind… and a pre-NAB peek at some state-of-the-art television AI features that enable broadcast engineers to leverage their required compliance logging and quality monitoring system in some interesting new directions.

As Actus’ VP of Solutions Engineering, Ric Belding has been a broadcast and playout industry professional for over 20 years. He’s served as a software developer, systems engineer, sales engineer, and technical team manager for many of the most prominent solution providers. Ric’s worked with customers at all levels from community channels to large multi-channel playout facilities. He’s intimately familiar with the needs and workflows for compliance monitoring, recording, and logging. Ric is highly regarded, throughout the industry, for his file and IT-based technology and workflow expertise.

All are welcome to attend.



Topic: SBE 53 Meeting

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Seminar Workshop - March, 2018

Seminar Workshop - October, 2014

SBE Chapter 53 wants to thank everyone who attended the 'IT Seminar and CBNE Workshop' in October, 2014. We especially want to thank American Tower, Broadcasters General Store, Nemal, and Clear Channel for their generous support of the seminar and SBE Chapter 53. We also want to thank you, our attendees and members for making this a great seminar. The seminar does count toward your continuing education credits. If you attended the seminar, please be sure to make a note of your attendance for credit.

Please let us know your thoughts on the seminar.

Do you have an ideal for a meeting?

Please let us know at SBE53.

Check back for updates on meeting topics. As always, refreshments will be served. Please remember, you don't have to be a member to attend, and be sure to bring a guest.

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